Initiation Session with the presence of the three Masonic Powers
The Synergy II Lodge, No. 124 held on the night of October 24, 2019, an Initiation Session where brothers from the 3 Masonic Powers were present.
The Stores that participated in this session are AR E EXCELSA LS Republic of France No. 326 - GORGS, ARLS Hipólito José da Costa, No. 410 - GORGS, ARLS Templo de Noûs, No. 4542 - GOBRS, ARLS Zoroastro, No. 184 - GLMERS, ARLS Latino América I, nº 178 – GLMERS, ARLS Estrela do Sul, nº 192 – GLMERS, ARL S David, nº 176 - GLMERS, Cinq. Ben. AR. L. S Hermanubis, nº 34 - GLMERS, and AR. L. S Jacques Demolay, nº 173 – GLMERS.
After the session, a Festive Dinner was held at the Grand Lodge of the State of Rio Grande do Sul.